There is a rational side of our mind that insists that things are linear, logical, rational and orderly. It has served us well and we can be grateful for being conscious, thinking beings that are capable of living rational lives, yet in hypnotherapy training, we spend a lot of time with what we call the ‘subconscious mind.’ This part of our being tends to be quite different from the analytical, reasoning conscious mind that many of us rely upon on a daily basis. When we learn hypnosis, we learn about a mind that is not linear, not rational, not always logical, and not always “programmed” for our greatest good. However, this part of our mind holds enormous potential for so much good, if we only dare to tap into its innate powers and abilities.
Within the subconscious mind, we find that imagination is more powerful than reason. We find that emotion is more powerful than logic. We find that our best intentions can easily be overruled by well-ingrained habits. However, in the midst of this dream-like non-linear world of emotions, images and memories, we find a tremendous way to know the world and our place in it, once we harmonize both of these aspects of our being. From being only conscious and logical beings, we can become more intuitive, more empathic and more passionate about life as well. By creating communication with the subconscious and finding more harmony within, we tap into levels of functioning that we cannot do when we simply live from predominantly only one side of our being.
When we decide to learn hypnosis, we begin to learn about a way of living that is more feelings-based. We discover that we have a heart and not just a head. We find that in our innermost being, there are resources that have evolved for millions of years which are still there for a reason. Our emotional self can be liberated into a powerhouse of creativity and excitement. Our basic survival instincts can become highly attuned to our environment, and more specifically, to our clients in a way that offers great insight into what is happening in any given moment.
The conscious, rational mind clearly has its place in our world, yet as we learn hypnosis and transform the subconscious mind through hypnotherapy and hypnotherapy training, we tap into the whole of our being and find out that we are so much more than we may have ever thought. To even being such a journey might be a more intuitive call. You might feel that something inside of you is compelled to learn hypnosis, even though it does not make sense. You might feel that there is a mission or purpose that you hold which cannot be explained rationally. Through a combination of thorough research into high educational standards, and a deep passion for the power of hypnosis, we find something quite unique in the profession of hypnotherapy.
We invite you to learn more at or give us a call at 800-551-9247. Allow us to help you to engage your head and your heart in making a decision that can change your life forever.
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