Choosing a Quality Education in Hypnotherapy

woman touching a mans head

When we decide to learn hypnosis, there are many levels that we can start from. We can read a book, watch YouTube videos, take a 3 to 5-day workshop, or we can learn about the highest standards in the profession and work to measure up to those. This article is designed to help anyone looking to truly understand the profession of hypnotherapy to learn hypnosis properly through educational institutes that are not mere weekend hypnosis trainings, but rather are true licensed vocational institutes that offer legitimate credentials in an occupation that we want you to be proud of.

While this article may not be exciting, we hope it offers any sincere prospective student an understanding of the importance of raising the standards of any occupation, and not supporting unlicensed activity that lowers what many of us in the field are working to continue to enhance and to improve upon.

Beginning on the federal level, it is important to understand that Hypnotherapy is a profession. In the early 1970’s, the occupation of “Hypnotherapist” was acknowledged by the United States Department of Labor in a document which was formally known as The Dictionary of Occupational Titles. This occupational description read:

CODE: 079.157-010
TITLE(s): HYPNOTHERAPIST (profess. & kin.)

“Induces hypnotic state in client to increase motivation or alter behavior patterns: Consults with client to determine nature of problem. Prepares client to enter hypnotic state by explaining how hypnosis works and what client will experience. Tests subject to determine degree of physical and emotional suggestibility. Induces hypnotic state in client, using individualized methods and techniques of hypnosis based on interpretation of test results and analysis of client’s problem. May train client in self-hypnosis conditioning.”

As the Dictionary of Occupational Titles is no longer in print, it is our understanding that the Occupational Information Network (ONET) Index had then become the federally accepted standard as a directory for listed occupations. “Hypnotherapist” was listed under the category of “Therapist, Other”, yet ONET no longer lists the separate category of “Therapists, Other.”

Currently the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistic’s Instructional Program Data lists Hypnotherapist as “513603: Hypnotherapy/Hypnotherapist”, along with other such occupations as Acupuncture, Homeopathic Medicine, Massage Therapy, Yoga Teacher, and Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences. This is a much higher level of understanding of our profession, for here we see a much more solid definition of what it means to be a Hypnotherapist:

51.3603 – Hypnotherapy/Hypnotherapist. A program that prepares individuals to employ the controlled inducement of altered states of consciousness, or trance, to reduce pain, resolve emotional conflicts, and enhance communications as part of diagnostic and treatment programs. Includes instruction in the principles of hypnosis and suggestion, induction and deepening, post-hypnotic suggestion, awakening techniques, regression, pacing and leading, resistance transformation, client testing and management, practice management and regulation, and professional standards and ethics. (Moved from 51.2303)


The CIP code that the Florida Department of Education uses for a school of Hypnotherapy is CIP: 0351360300. The numbers 513603 are in bold to emphasize the Federal and State level of acknowledgement of Hypnotherapy as a recognized profession.

To train people at this level, The Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy (formerly known as The Florida Institute of Hypnotherapy) was Florida’s first school to be licensed by the Florida Department of Education’s Commission for Independent Education (License #3448) to offer legitimate career diplomas for “Hypnotherapist,” “Clinical Hypnotherapist” and “Transpersonal Hypnotherapist.” Therefore, on the State level, our students earn legitimate credentials as Hypnotherapists as graduates from a State-Licensed Postsecondary Vocational Institute.

Our school is also licensed by the Florida Department of Education’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VF#202535784001) to grant diplomas/certifications for “Hypnotherapists.” This organization funds us to train people undergoing rehabilitation to earn the occupational title of “Hypnotherapist” in Florida.

It is also important to understand the laws that govern our profession. Those who learn hypnosis, and practice hypnotherapy without an understanding of the laws of their respective States, can get into a lot of trouble. We have therefore compiled a Hypnosis Law page on the International Association of Interpersonal Hypnotherapist’s website. For more information about State Hypnosis Laws, visit:

We also believe in the importance of protecting our profession, and there are times when leaders in the field need to step in to ensure the free and open practice of hypnotherapy in all 50 States, as well as all Counties and Cities within those States. For active work in this regard, please visit:

Graduates of State-Licensed Hypnotherapy schools who operate with the title of Hypnotherapist, should also be empowered with a clear Code of Ethics and proper client intake forms. For more information in this regard, please visit:

We are here to help you to make the best decisions possible, and to continue to raise the standards in hypnotherapy education and certification. We encourage you to avoid weekend workshops that tell you that you can be a hypnotherapist in three to five days. We’ve worked hard to make this profession what it is today, and your choice to support only State-Licensed Hypnotherapy Schools, which offer legitimate diplomas/certifications, is one of the best ways to ensure that our profession remains respectable and admirable for many years to come.

For more information about a Hypnotherapy education that meets and exceeds some of the highest industry standards

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IMPORTANT: Make sure you choose the correct certification based on your current level of training. If you are unsure about which to choose, reach out to before purchase.

Certified Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 300-hour Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 400-hour Clinical Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 500-hour Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Interpersonal Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 522-hour Interpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 300-hour Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 400-hour Clinical Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 500-hour Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.

Certified Interpersonal Hypnotherapist

Choose this option if you have completed the 522-hour Interpersonal Hypnotherapist Program.

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Choosing a Quality Education in Hypnotherapy

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