Health is more than just a lack of disease. Health is a state of heart and mind that radiates out throughout our entire body and into our entire life. Health is not merely a lack of something, yet rather it can be considered as an abundance of what we all truly want. When our hearts are closed, we feel sad, depressed, blocked, confused and alone. When the heart is open and clear, we feel peaceful, loving and joyful. It is undeniable that this state of being – call it health – will positively influence every area of our life and will radiate out into our relationships and into the world around us.
“The heart is the root of the mind.” Whatever the heart is feeling, the mind will talk about.
In Interpersonal Hypnotherapy, we associate the heart with the subconscious mind, and the voice we hear in our heads with the conscious mind. When the subconscious mind (heart) is upset, then the conscious mind is not at peace. A Course in Miracles states that “Peace is Health.” However, without bringing the heart to a state of peace, joy, and love, the conscious mind will always try to find ways to make this emotional part feel better. It becomes a compulsive cycle of conscious thinking to find ways to discover love outside of ourselves as motivated by an already disturbed heart. To restore health and well-being, we must learn to restore a sense of love to the heart of our being – also known as the subconscious mind, for “all illness is some form of external seeking.”
In Interpersonal Hypnotherapy, we honor the sacred nature of all transformational relationships, and we understand that we do not live in isolation. On the human level, people are social creatures, yet beyond that, on the spiritual level, we are all interconnected and in this model, hearts and minds are joined. This means that while we do need to find love within ourselves, we cannot feel at peace while the relationships in our lives and within our deep inner minds are not healthy. The real work then becomes an opening of the heart, a forgiving of all that causes us upset, and a release of sadness, anger, guilt, and fear into that which truly brings harmony to body, mind, spirit, relationships and to the world at large. Hypnotherapy has a profound ability to access these deeper parts of our being that are not at peace. We can tap into the subconscious mind and turn fear into love, anger into peace, and sadness into pure joy. We are only a belief system away from bliss, and to the extent that we are willing, from letting go of our upsets and allowing our bodies and our lives to return to balance. The real essence of the work then is rooted in a deep and ongoing process of forgiveness, which releases old perceptions, and allows us to see things differently.
There is always another way of looking at the world. We can see through eyes rooted in fear and judgment, or we can see through eyes rooted in love and kindness. The ripple effects on our bodies and on our lives are undeniable, and countless scientific studies now support these very simple and ancient principles.
We all need to do this for ourselves, for our families and for our world, yet many of us feel a calling to do this professionally. There are so many people who are dissatisfied with their current careers, and want to be able to think and speak more openly about healing, love, spirituality and personal and global transformation. To be your own boss, to make your own hours and to help return people to health and well-being through an open heart rooted in love is the real essence of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy. We honor all paths that do this beautiful work, and invite all those who want to be part of the solution to take actions that lead to inner and outer change by healing the heart to heal the mind to heal the body, and to help heal our world.
Matthew Jason Brownstein, CIHt, is the CEO of Anahat Education Group, Inc., the Founder and Executive Director of the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy, and is the President of the International Association of Interpersonal Hypnotherapists. Matthew is an author and keynote speaker.
He continues to work to raise the standards of hypnotherapy training worldwide, and actively works with the Department of Education to make Hypnotherapy a more respectable and protected profession. Matthew actively engages in law and legislative efforts that help to protect the free and open practice of Hypnotherapy.
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