More and more people are taking interest in how hypnosis can resolve anxious and depressed feelings. As an increasing number of people seem to be diagnosed and medicated for these conditions, we certainly want to know about alternatives that actually resolve these problems at their root. Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, along with learning hypnosis and becoming a hypnotherapist, have shown tremendous potential for helping people to be truly free.
Why Hypnosis for Anxiety and Depression?
Medications only treat symptoms. They have side effects and can cause significant dependency issues. Hypnosis is a safe and effective method that brings about more peace of mind, relaxation and confidence when used properly. The state of hypnosis is valuable, as it generally involves relaxation and stress reduction, and hypnotherapy itself has the ability to get to the root cause of our problems and to work as an adjunct with traditional medical or mental health care to help a person to find more confidence, inner peace, and sustained happiness from within.
How does Hypnotherapy Training and Certification relate to this?
Our mission as leaders in the field of hypnotherapy is to create more hypnotherapists to transform the world. We have seen over many decades of practice in the field that we make a difference in people’s lives by not only offering hypnotherapy services, but also by training people to have careers that truly make a difference. By granting people access to true State-Licensed diplomas in our occupation and giving them the tools to heal people’s hearts and minds, we empower others to bring about more peace and joy in the world.
Are there legal issues associated with using hypnosis for anxiety and depression?
Yes. Practitioners of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, regardless of their level of training, need to understand the laws of their respective States. Anxiety and Depression can be considered medical and/or mental health conditions, and the degree to which people feel these feelings needs to be assessed within what we call “Scope of Practice Assessment.” When a condition is truly medical or mental health, then we work within a referral system with licensed practitioners of the healing arts to abide by the law and to ensure the client’s safety and well-being.
To learn more, browse our site or call our Admissions Office at 800-551-9247.
We are proud to be a leader in the field of Hypnotherapy and will be honored to discuss with you the potentials of what this training can do for you, your life, and the lives of countless others.