Most people know that hypnosis can help people to stop smoking, yet not everyone understands the credentialing that is involved in creating a well-trained hypnotherapist. The power of the subconscious mind is at times awe-inspiring in that a lifelong addiction can oftentimes be done away with within one to three sessions. How does this work? Why does this work? And what qualifications do you need to be able to learn hypnosis properly and to help people to live longer and healthier lives.
What does it take to become a Certified Hypnotherapist?
This all depends upon who you ask. For many associations, you only need a weekend worth of training and to pay your membership dues. This does not do justice to a well-established profession that continually raises it standards to ensure respect for our industry. Some of the current highest standards in the field involve attendance in a true State-Licensed Hypnotherapy School that offer 500 plus hours of comprehensive Hypnotherapy Training. These schools are regulated by the Department of Education and operate as true postsecondary vocational institutes. They are few and far between, yet regardless of the degree to which you will learn hypnotherapy, we highly recommend this standard as your baseline.
How does Hypnotherapy work for Smoking Cessation?
In the field of Hypnotism, we acknowledge that we all have a subconscious mind that motivates our behaviors and habits. This part of our being is emotional and largely irrational and it just wants to feel good now. It moves us away from pain and towards pleasure and it will do so in a way that almost always overrides our conscious minds highest intentions. Therefore, while we consciously want to stop smoking, our deep inner mind governs this habit and causes us to find what feels good right away, thinking that our addiction is actually pleasurable and will lead us away from pain. Hypnotherapy can access this part of the mind and show it just how destructive and painful smoking really is and once this shift occurs, then the same power that caused us to smoke is mobilized to cause us to be forever non-smokers.
Why does Hypnotherapy work to get you to Stop Smoking?
When you learn hypnosis, you learn how to get suggestions to influence the subconscious mind in a way that most other modalities just cannot do. The “patch” does not change our deep-seated emotions and beliefs, yet hypnosis can. Medications do not motivate us to love ourselves and to take care of our bodies, yet hypnosis can. Traditional talk-therapy can help us to understand the reason why we do as we do, yet it does not necessarily tap into the immense power of the subconscious to create radical behavioral change within one to three sessions. Hypnosis works because it causes the part of us that motivates behaviors and habits to change as the hypnotic state gives us direct access to our subconscious minds.
How to I become a Certified Hypnotherapist?
Helping people to stop smoking is only the tip of the iceberg of what it means to be a Hypnotherapist. There are no prior degrees required and a student only needs to be willing to learn more than he or she could ever have imagined. Behavior modification is only a small part of what a solid hypnotherapy training is all about. Smoking cessation protocols are only about one percent of a 500+ hour training and the tools that you walk away with are priceless in helping yourself and others with a very large range of issues. To become Certified as a Hypnotherapist with State-Licensed Diplomas, we recommend doing your research and speaking with the Admissions Departments of true licensed Hypnotherapy Schools. Ask about how many hours are truly needed. Ask who your instructors are and what their qualifications are. Ask what makes any given school better than the other smaller trainings that are out there. In the end, you will find that not all hypnosis trainings are created equal and you will be looking to find the right fit for you.
To learn more, browse our site or call our Admissions Office at 800-551-9247. We are proud to be a leader in the field of Hypnotherapy and will be honored to discuss with you the potentials of what this training can do for you, your life, and the lives of countless others.