From time-to-time, everyone feels depressed feelings and sometimes the condition becomes so severe that medical or mental health treatment is called for. However, Hypnotherapy has continually shown itself to be a significant adjunct to traditional or alternative care. Through the power of the subconscious mind and through Hypnotherapy’s ability to change our deeper root issues, we can find much greater levels of functioning and well-being. Through training in hypnosis, we can learn the skills to help ourselves and others to feel more happy and whole.
Why Learn Hypnosis to Understand Depressed Feelings?
The subconscious mind is the storehouse of our memories, beliefs and emotions. When past events are unresolved, then this part of our mind goes into a sort of holding pattern that acts as if the past were still real. The negative beliefs and painful emotions that arise from these memories play out every day as if the past events were still happening. The subconscious mind does not know the difference between fact and fiction. Once it is convinced of something then it will react about that something until some intervention is made. When you learn hypnosis, you learn how to transform the subconscious mind to free yourself and others from painful pasts that just do not exist anymore.
Does Hypnotherapy Training itself resolve Depression?
We would never say that a 500+ hour hypnosis training would cure depression, yet we can say with absolute certainty that you will learn techniques that can be used to:
- Raise self-esteem and optimism
- Resolve past events that cause present day stress
- Transform old emotions that no longer serve you
- Examine and change limiting beliefs that hold you back from feeling good
- Allow for positive hypnotic programming to influence you for your greatest good.
The Hypnotherapy model is not a diagnostic one. We do not directly treat medical or mental health conditions without the proper referral from a physician or mental health counselor, yet every human being knows what it is like to feel depressed or down at times. Hypnotherapy can help in the form of an integrative approach to one’s overall well-being. You can get hypnosis sessions for how you feel and/or you can learn hypnosis yourself to become your own inner healer. Once empowered with the skillsets that help others to feel better you can use these techniques on yourself, and once you are indeed helping others to feel better, then you inevitably feel better yourself knowing that your life has more purpose and meaning. Helping others to feel better always helps you as well.
To learn more, browse our site or call our Admissions Office at 800-551-9247. We are proud to be a leader in the field of Hypnotherapy and will be honored to discuss with you the potentials of what this training can do for you, your life, and the lives of countless others.