The conflict between science and religion has existed since Darwin first proposed a significant understanding of how our physical world evolved into being. Since then, many people have turned away from traditional religion, yet have felt a strong need for spirituality in their lives. During a time when the world may be becoming more and more secular, there is a need for the human heart to still feel a sense of that which is sacred and meaningful. Hypnotherapy and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Training open doors to a synthesis of scientific method, spirituality and a life of purpose and fulfillment.
Why would hypnosis be a bridge between science and spirituality?
The scientific method requires that ideas are tested and only accepted as fact through carefully controlled experiments. Mere beliefs or dogmas do not work anymore for many people in the modern world. However, there are ideas of love, peace, healing, forgiveness, kindness and compassion that are not easily measurable, and yet no rational person wants throw these ideas away simply because they cannot be proven. With hypnosis training, we can learn about the many modalities that help to transform people’s lives, which have been studied, tested and accepted to be applicable in relieving human suffering. When this is combined with a transpersonal and even metaphysical model of the world, then many of the voids of our hearts get filled with a profession that brings purpose, direction and meaning – all while aligning with scientifically verifiable results.
Is there proof of hypnosis being real?
Proof is only possible within the realms of mathematics. Beyond that, the other sciences tend to look for ideas that can be accepted as facts. Therefore, we can say that hypnotism, or the science and study of the altered state of hypnosis, can be tested against scientific method and shown to be factual or not. We can ask if the methods of hypnosis work and those ideas can be tested under controlled environments. Countless studies now show that hypnosis is remarkably effective in mobilizing inner resources to promote change within significant areas of our lives. When combined with a spiritually-based model of the world, we find real techniques, that bring real change and real meaning to our lives.
Scientific hypnotism is now accepted as a fact beyond the old ideas of the ancient mesmerists, and while many people turn away from traditional religion, hypnotherapy still allows for a deep spirituality that is rooted in models that are becoming ever more mainstream.
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