Hypnotherapy has a profound place in the healing of grief and loss. Many people believe that the grieving process must go on for very long periods of time, yet in my own personal experience, through the use of very skillful hypnotherapy, we actually can move through stages of grief in relatively few sessions. The reason that Hypnotherapy becomes so effective with healing grief and loss is because it talks directly with the emotional subconscious mind and also very effectively resolves related emotions, such as anger, guilt and fear.
During this Monday Night Conscious Community Class we will also explore the concept of helping others to move through the dying process and also how we can learn to be more comfortable with our own inevitable experience of leaving the body. This class will explore the death of the body and also the death of the ego as we move through stages of spiritual growth and reinvent ourselves on ever higher levels.
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy training play a strong role in every aspect of life, death, grief, loss and healing. When we are empowered with truly effective transformational modalities then helping others to heal becomes one of the most rewarding things that we can do on this planet.